Messages are encrypted & decrypted in your browser
You hold and transmit the decryption keys
Data is purged after 5 days is a secure way to exchange sensitive data with anyone by using a simple key.
Quite often, adminstrators will send credentials over emails, texts or chat applications.
When credentials are sent via email, they remain on email servers almost indefinitely.
If an email administrator is granted access to that email account, they now have access to the credentials.
When credentials are sent over a chat application, you can never be sure if the application host can read the messages.
When credentials are sent in plain text, anyone can read and memorize user name and password information. reduces the risks of exchanging sensitive information using emails, texts or chat applications by encrypting the information and limiting the time it is available for decryption.
When you enter a message to be encrypted, the encryption is done in your browser and you are presented with the key to decrypt that message.
The key is not stored on any server.
The message is stored as temporary encrypted data.
Only you have access to the decryption key.
You can share the message key with anyone giving them the ability to decrypt the message for a maximum of 5 days.
When a message key is entered in, the encrypted data is retrieved and sent to the browser.
The decryption is done in the browser using the provided key - not on any server.
Your messages are stored as encrypted data.
No message keys are stored.
Messages cannot be decrypted without a key.
Optional use of cookies provides a means to list and delete encrypted messages.
If you trust this site; use, don't abuse. assumes no responsibility for lost message keys, stolen credentials, or security breaches of any kind.
This service is free. No support is provided.
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